Peter posts:
Stevelord wrote: | Peter I thought ENgland had no channels, but t Paul H's Sat, they said there was one famous one, short name maybe starating with W or M. ENglisi people seem to be quite skeptical.
Were you pissed when after spening those years working on Karma you found out that there was no such thing? How do you think the pyysisists are going to feel when they find out the truth. Gun sales may go up.
Steve |
Hi Steve,
No, I wouldn't say the UK was skeptical as such not with Harry Potter doing the rounds!
As far as my time spent with reincarnation and karma; this allows me to be appreciative of the belief systems of others in these areas without feeling a need to overwhelm them.
As for physicists many have already had to reconcile themselves with the notion of multidimensional realities and parallel worlds which at the moment has the scientific community rent asunder and totally bemused
except for a small few who are convinced about all this, one of which is David Deutsch from England, a physicist with remarkable insight.