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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 19:34 Reply with quoteBack to top

Markus posts:

ecrosset wrote:
Thought this was a cool number:

Our users have posted a total of 13131 articles

Gosh, I missed the thirteenhundred alltogether. But it's again a great opportunity to say what a wonderful place it is.





PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 23:52 Reply with quoteBack to top

Markus posts:

I just saw this one here in the email (from the NWV newsletter):

Last month NewWorldView was visited by over 11,500 people from over 100 countries including China, Iran, and Afghanistan! Together, we are planting the seeds of abundance, fulfillment, and remembrance throughout the world. Thanks to everyone who contributes.

I just checked our logs here and we have about 6500 unique IPs from about 80 countries.

Obviously unique IPs aren't unique persons (with dial up networking or even DSL you may get a unique IP for each connection or at least daily, so I am probably 30 of those alone) and most of the exotic countries are probably spiders and spambots. System says there were a bit over 100000 page views and 3.27 GB of bandwidth.

But I thought I'd share the figures anyway.




PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 23:57 Reply with quoteBack to top

Markus posts:

Here's an interesting one. List of search phrases via search engines. (phrase/hits/percent relative to all search hits). A few are obvious, most are from the blog, but with some (like "david deida quotes caveman") I have no idea why they would lead to this site.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 18:50 Reply with quoteBack to top

Stevelord posts:

Markus what percent of the US and GERMan population do you think have heard of ELias,on in ten thousand? What we need is for one of us to tap into our stock market predicting ability and then use the money to put Elias' name up in lights in Times Square NEw York. It costs I think I read several million to rent the biggest billboard in Tmes Square. No problem.

I think the cheapest way is to buy an infomercial that comes on tv for a half hour late at night. We could put on one of our ELias videos for a half hour , and put the Blueflash address at the bottom. How many hits could you take on your website at once. THe response always freezes up the websites of every person who appears on Art Bell supernatual radio with its huge audience. THen we shoot for Larry King. Ill bet if Elias caught on in a wave of interest we could accellerate the shift fifty years by mass action. And then we'd finally be home. Smile




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:00 Reply with quoteBack to top

bunseam posts:

ecrosset wrote:

Marina wrote:

… and you think now I have a clue Shocked

(but I am going to create my own meaning ICMOM Grinning )


LOL! Grinning thumb

Well I won't count my chickens just yet - just a few ideas I was hatching - they just sort of flew out of the coop.

(Hmmm… wonder how many other terrible chicken puns I can fit in here Wink )

Howdy, My friend! Check out : "Kentucky Fried Science" post: on NWV < Kosmic Kocktail Lounge…


PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

Markus posts:

Stevelord wrote:
Markus what percent of the US and GERMan population do you think have heard of ELias,on in ten thousand? What we need is for one of us to tap into our stock market predicting ability and then use the money to put Elias' name up in lights in Times Square NEw York. It costs I think I read several million to rent the biggest billboard in Tmes Square. No problem.

I think the cheapest way is to buy an infomercial that comes on tv for a half hour late at night. We could put on one of our ELias videos for a half hour , and put the Blueflash address at the bottom. How many hits could you take on your website at once. THe response always freezes up the websites of every person who appears on Art Bell supernatual radio with its huge audience. THen we shoot for Larry King. Ill bet if Elias caught on in a wave of interest we could accellerate the shift fifty years by mass action. And then we'd finally be home. Smile

I guess it's probably more like one in 100,000 here. But I don't mind, people have heard of something else then. There are tons of channelers out there, and I think Elias's style isn't for the broad audience (not even Seth was). Pushing it into people's faces wouldn't make much sense, we'd probably have mainly flamers and weirdos here and I guess I'd have to face some death threats, because there is a lot of stuff in the material that is easily misunderstood.




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 16:53 Reply with quoteBack to top

Stevelord posts:

Markus There are tons of channelers out there

How do you know that Markus? I thought only a handful and I wasnt sure how many of them were still im business and like you implied the ones that are well known play to the masses and so I dont trust them




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 18:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

sylvii posts:

hehehe…Steve, I always enjoy reading your beliefs as they show up in your posts.

There are - like Markus said - many channelers out there…in varying degrees. Some 'channel' aspects of their ownself, and some actually do energy-exchange. And, no, not all of them "play to the masses".

There are some very prolific ones that have been around since the '80s. If they didn't have some 'credibility', they wouldn't have lasted this long.

What you don't find is very many actual deep-trance 'channel'-hosts out there. They are more like few and far between.

…and, of course, each has their own 'agenda' for 'being here'…all different. Therefore, the ones you create in your life are the ones which are most beneficial for you. thumb


PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 20:27 Reply with quoteBack to top

Stevelord posts:

There are - like Markus said - many channelers out therein varying degrees. Some 'channel' aspects of their ownself, and some actually do energy-exchange

How Sylvii do you know about the non household names (household names including like Bashaar or Ptaah or Abe or Ramtha . and do mean in that lesser group the mediums who are merely tapping into the left over energy deposits left by people before they died even though they THINK the are talking to the dead, and the ones who say are talkiing to ANGELS etc , one of whom was on Art Bell Radio. Good Lord knows who THEY are talking to.

But Emmy of NWV is apparently a genuine channel now as is AMiir Joe of NWV because they are a dead ringer for KRis (EMMY) and ELias (JOE) and that is who each of the respectively have sessions with and so I guess the dead guy adopted the speech patterns of the ghost known to the channeler OR you could argue its more likely they are channelling aspects of themselves due to that factor. But in either case they have the same dedication to telling it like it really is , unlike the pop dead guys like Ramtha etc or Abe who even KRis told me wishes he could be delve "deeper" into the material but his audience likes it simple so he complies.




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 21:35 Reply with quoteBack to top

sylvii posts:

Steve wrote:
How Sylvii do you know about the non household names (household names including like Bashaar or Ptaah or Abe or Ramtha

Because, Steve, when they are something an individual is exploring (as part of their intent, as I am), then they do show up in your life.

But, you could look at it like, whatever your personal beliefs are….and, the energy is in your energy field…then you will project (and, hence, 'attract' to yourself) the essence-personalities that are best 'suited' for you…..or, maybe I should say, the ones you will resonate with.

….and, yes, anyone can channel their own aspects, but to be a deep-trance host for a personality that is not of your own essence requires a little more 'preparation', so to speak.

Personalities like Ramtha, Bashar, Lazaris, Abraham and the little-known Philip and Sabe(they keep a very low profile) have all been around for long, long time and they have all stated they articulate only thru their one 'host'. Those particular entities offer such a wide range of information, it can be mind-boggling.

….and, yes, some essence-personalitlies 'keep it simple' and attract the audience that has that preference. Other 'personalities' will offer much more in-depth, technical stuff and just whatever is asked for.

So, for individuals wishing to explore essence-personalities further, there is a wide-variety out there….including the 'garden-variety' type found on almost every 'new age street corner', so to speak. Grinning

If you've interacted with a deep-trance/energy-personality, you WILL know it! They are very, very different from your 'run-of-the-mill' channels.

…..as seen (and experienced) from sylvii's pov…… Wink


PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 22:28 Reply with quoteBack to top

Stevelord posts:

Sylvii posts .and, yes, anyone can channel their own aspects, but to be a deep-trance host for a personality that is not of your own essence requires a little more 'preparation', so to speak.

Actually the other essence does the choosing, we are told Elias did a bit of searching and evaluating , but also they would nt pick someone who wasnt willing. What do you think Kris is, other essence or an aspect of Serge?




PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 22:32 Reply with quoteBack to top

sylvii posts:

Yes, other essence-personalities have stated the individuals they 'picked' were specific. In a couple of instances, the individuals (to be 'host') were 'being prepared' (ie.,relative to body, genes, etc.,) for several generations, so to speak.

So, yeah, I can understand Elias saying that. thumb

As for Kris…..I have no pertinent thoughts to share.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 13:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

ecrosset posts:

Image 13,999 … 14,000 … 'phew'


(p.s. currently my favorite number is 248,751 - a very cool number)



PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 13:54 Reply with quoteBack to top

bunseam posts:

ecrosset wrote:
Image 13,999 … 14,000 … 'phew'


(p.s. currently my favorite number is 248,751 - a very cool number)

Is that the distance in miles from Earth to the Moon? Just wonderin', Ob'


PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 14:20 Reply with quoteBack to top

steffano posts:

Earth's Moon: Facts & Figures

Average Distance from Earth
Metric: 384,400 km
English: 238,855 miles
Scientific Notation: 3.84400 x 105 km (0.00257 A.U.)
By Comparison: 0.00257 x Earth's Distance from the Sun


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