Baruch posts:
Hi All,
Many here know of me objectively, the rest subjectively, greetings to you all I'm looking forward to interactions with you all. I'm Baruch as essence, Mark here and have been involved with Elias since my Darling Dawn/Awan started reading Seth and connecting to the Elias list 5 years or so ago. I have had a number of sessions, all of which we have posted to various lists, including our Kris sessions.
For those not objectively aware of my stats…… I'm Sumari/Vold, common, emotional, continuing. Essence Color, Sea Green, Focus Color, Crimson. My Intent is simply doing what I'm doing, exploring within each moment now.
I create great FUN with all my connections, within our linear, past, present and future. I experience merging, channeling etc objectively and have had immense FUN in doing this. I'm one of those who do not take things lying down, except in one area , my Sumari Voldness come through often, I stir the pot so to speak. Though I tend not to post much as I'm so not into typing…. get me on Skype or similar communications and we're off I don't say things to please others, I say to please myself, if this triggers people, I allow them to work this out for themselves.
I'm here creating my reality with it's ups and downs and look forward to sharing with you all.